HumorLinks: Looking for a laugh? HumorLinks is a large, easy-to-use directory of everything funny on the Web. In fact, a gigantic searchable database of thousands of humor sites split into appropriate categories, and rated by users. With site stats, peer reviews, XML integration, co-branding and more.
Funny Fail Pics: Funny Fail Pictures bringing you the best fail pics on the interwebs. If you dont come to this website you fail at life!
Senior Citizen Humor: P&M Homecare senior citizen humor, jokes and cartoons: The lighter side of getting old. geezer (ge'zer) n. not young. not dead. Somewhere in between.
Save Me From Boredom: Things to do when you have nothing better to do. Including videos, games, jobs and much more. A funny site full of funny tests, fun quizzes, animated fun pages, funny pictures, and funny quotes. Take a funny test and find links to many other fun websites! Your source for fun and humor,funny jokes,funny pictures,gag ideas, gift ideas and more....Simply fun for all ages!
De Motivational Pictures: Are you feeling motivated? This is the home of the best demotivaional pictures archive on the web. Check all the pages of motivational pics.
Weird Pictures: Weird Pictures of weird things and people. This site brings you nothing but weird stuff. Weird pics updated every single day!
Office Humor Videos: offers one of the Web's largest collections of funny videos, silly jokes, crazy comics and fun video games to help you break the boredom of your working day.
The Texas Cockroach: The Texas Cockroach is a satirical newspaper from the mythical small town of LaCucaracha, Texas. In LaCucaracha, football is king, and citizens have a choice of 137 churches. The Texas Cockroach parodies the unique culture, lifestyle and politics found nowhere else but Texas. Pour yourself a tall glass of iced tea, sit back, and take a virtual stroll through the streets of LaCucaracha. God Bless Texas.
Funny Pictures and Photos: Thousands of funny pictures and photos in the archive from a variety of categories.
Top Funny Jokes: Funny jokes for everyone, every day. We have thousands of funny jokes in the archive from a variety of categories!
Weird Viking: Lots of weird, funny and bizarre pictures, soundboards, jokes, games, videos and pranks.
Retiredpiggy2001 - Police Humor: Weekly Police Humor Site Since 2001. Largest Collection Of Police Cartoons on the Internet. Police Jokes, Funny Pictures, Funny Sign;s, Fail Pictures and very Funny T-Shirt's. Police Gift's. So Much More.
Humor Columnist Peter McKay: Webpage of syndicated newpaper humor columnist Peter McKay. In 1999, Peter began writing a humor column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Peter’s columns on home repair, dealing with kids, dogs, neighbors and American life in the new millennium (a vague phrase that means nothing but at least sounds impressive). Peter's columns have appeared in that paper since. Along with Baby Boomer nostalgia items the site features a cartoon starring Bob and Barb Boomerhead, a baby boomer couple trying to stay relevant in today's world.
Celebrity Soundboards: Celebrity Sounboards brought to you by the best soundboard site on the web. Come check out huge list of free celebrity soundboards.
Cranky Old Doods: Welcome to the Doods!! Click on that little pink circle below and listen to Woodrow and Leon talk about those things that turn old guys into Cranky Old Doods. Check out the sidebar for links to other Boomer Humor sites. Spend some time and enjoy. You got nothin better to do. Right?
WHAT A WHAT A is your destination for everything creepy! Get your daily dose via Creep of the Day, Creeps in the News, weekly Creep Battles, and user submitted Creep Encounters! WHAT A ..because sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover. Jokes and humor and various links pertaining to funny humor and videos with fresh content that changes daily.
Dan's Cartoons: A daily web cartoon is available if you'd like to add it to
your website. All that's needed is a simple line of code that you can paste into the html of the page. Also Cartoons are available at reasonable reprint rates for publishers.
The Wonder of Whiffling: Author Adam Jacot de Boinod's website for his book by the same name. English slang from outside Britain offers us everything from a waterboy (US police) a boxer who can be bribed or coerced into losing, to a shubie (Australian), someone who buys surfing gear and clothing but doesn't actually surf. In Canada, a cougar is an older woman on the prowl for a younger man, while in the US a quirkyalone is someone who doesn't fall in love easily, but waits for the right person to come along.
Lunatic Fish: This is a site that I used to link to back when I owned the domain name with etc spelled out. Ran across it while going though some old archives. It appears that it's changed once again but it's always good for a laugh.
Black and White Cartoons: The site of cartoonist Boyko Boyanov. From here you can purchase and download cartoons for your
newspaper, magazine or newsletter.
Frenetic Funnies: The homesite for Frenetic Funnies by Jeff Swenson. Funny, offbeat gag cartoons about pets, pop culture, jobs, and twisted people doing twisted things.
Cartoons by Gaspiritz: Funny adult cartoons, award-winning comics and animations you won't find on the Cartoon Network or Comedy Central. Also online games.
Our Daily Laugh: A colletion of funny pictures, funny videos, pranks, humorous, hilarious, silly, crazy, weird, bizarre, unusual, wtf, uncommon, weird, prank, fail, oops, kid, baby, animal, pet, sports, car, transportation, family, strange, sexy, facts, food, fun, police.
1000 Funny Jokes: We have thousands of funny jokes in the archive from a variety of categories! Do you have any great joke you want to share with everyone?
Blondine Jokes: A collection of the funniest jokes that we can find: Animal, Bar, Blind, Blonde, Bumper Stickers, Doctors, Educational, Elderly, etc.
Fail Comment: A humor site dedicated to all those bizarre and humorous comments people post. You know the ones I'm talking about...
Big Smudge: Big Smudge meets and exceeds the days requirements for fun. Whether its viral videos, the newest flash games or comprehensive lists on anything pop culture, Big Smudge makes sure you get your fill.
Dave's Daily: Brace yourself for funny, strange, bizarre news stories and funny pictures. The strangest, the funniest, the most bizarre news stories and funny pictures you'll ever lay eyes on! Plus weird news
Red Tractor-USA: Features news satire and political satire,fake news, satire about George Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the gang.
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