Army Cellphone Fire SupportCourtesy of David R.Picture troops under fire, desperately needing artillery support, making a cellphone call and hearing the following: Thank you for calling the automated artillery support request line. Please be assured that we will attempt to assist you with all available resources in the shortest time possible.
Please select the type of fire mission you would like.
Enter the map coordinates of the target you would like to strike, followed by the pound sign. If you need to enter map grid designations, please use the star for a "q" and the pound sign for an "i." Please remember to verify your coordinates and that your request may take several minute to process. [Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep] You have entered co-ordinates 32364519. If this is correct, please press 1. If this is incorrect, please press 2 and re-enter the coordinates. Thank you. Please enter your battalion, company and platoon passcodes, each followed by the pound sign. As soon as we verify your passcodes, we will begin processing your request. If you have forgotten your passcode, please contact 1-800-IFORGOT for a temporary passcode. Please enter your passcode now. [Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-#, beep-beep-beep-beep-#, beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-#] Thank you. [Pause] Your passcodes have been verified and your request will be processed. We strongly suggest that you and your comrades take cover as soon as possible. Thank you for using the artillery request support line and have a nice day.